On Wednesday 6 July, the Business Secretary Vince Cable MP launched the 'Made By Britain' campaign, asking all the UK's 650 MPs to nominate an example of manufacturing excellence from their constituency.
While the response from parliamentarians and businesses has been encouraging, more than half (350) of the country’s MPs, including George Osborne and Nick Clegg, are yet to nominate a manufacturing company from their constituency.
Once nominated, a company and product are featured in an interactive map on the Parliamentary Group’s website, and will be showcased in other projects the group is developing, including an exhibition in Parliament, over the next year. Companies wishing to get involved or nominate someone else, can do so at the Policy Connect website.
The concept behind the Made By Britain campaign is to imitate the Great Exhibition of 1851 and create an online ‘virtual crystal palace’ to showcase the best UK manufacturing has to offer. The unveiling of the complete catalogue of Made by Britain nominees will coincide with the Queen’s diamond Jubilee celebrations as well as the 2012 Olympics.