Blast off for funding applications

Posted on 15 Jan 2016 by Fred Tongue

The latest funding competition from the Advanced Propulsion Centre has begun this week and aims to support in excess of £70m in collaborative projects.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) has begun accepting project submissions looking to support low carbon propulsion research and development projects that help to deliver significant reductions in vehicle CO2, or other harmful emissions.

Applications run until 23 March, 2016 and have until 30 March, 2016 to submit proposals.

Projects must demonstrate the development of technologies around one or more of the following areas:

  • Internal combustion engines
  • Lightweight Vehicle and powertrain structures
  • Electric machines and power electronics
  • Energy storage and energy management
  • Alternative propulsion systems

To register and apply, visit

The competition will fund propulsion technologies that are low carbon and deliver reductions in vehicle emissions compared to the current best-in-class technologies and have the capability to develop the UK’s low carbon vehicle technology supply chain.

Director, Technology & Projects at the Advanced Propulsion Centre, Jon Beasley commented: “This latest round of APC grant funding illustrates continued government support to the advancement of low carbon propulsion technologies.

“It shares the risk of developing technologies through the research phases required to convert promising demonstrators into products that can be manufactured and meet the requirements of the future market place.”

Director, Business Development, Garry Wilson added: “We urge applicants whose low carbon propulsion research and development projects can make a substantial difference to the future of the UK automotive industry to get in touch with us.”

Project submissions are judged on both Technical and Value for Money considerations. Total eligible project costs should be between £5m and £40m, and projects are expected to have a duration of 18 to 42 months.

All projects must be collaborative and business-led, include a vehicle manufacturer or a Tier 1 supplier and an SME partner. Project consortia can only request up to 50% of the total project costs as a publicly funded grant.