DS Smith saves CO2 equivalent to 1,831 Madrid-Lisbon flights after pioneering light wrap packaging solution

Posted on 31 May 2023 by The Manufacturer

Leading global sustainable packaging company DS Smith contributed to a reduction in CO₂ emissions that are thought to be equivalent to 1,831 flights between Madrid and Lisbon, since the creation of the innovative new packaging solution, Light Wrap.

The Light Wrap solution was manufactured as a classic wraparound for bricks and inclusive of innovations in its design to allow for improved packaging with less fibre, and therefore a 19% reduction in CO₂ emissions compared to traditional solutions.

The DS Smith Light Wrap design was created as a solution to ensure that the packaging that it wraps its bricks within would work effectively to support the weight of packs stacked on top of each other in transportation and point of sale, without damage or deformation. In order to develop this solution, DS Smith’s design team drew inspiration from the compression and fastening work of a car that is used to protect its components and occupants.

DS Smith Light Wrap is characterized by a design with a double crease at its base. The first crease functions when the box is formed in the customer’s forming machine. The second crease, less deep, is added, and functions when the box is compressed and stacked on a pallet. This design also allows the use of 19% less paper fibre than other solutions, reducing environmental impact and packaging costs without compromising product protection.

Luis Serrano, Sales, Marketing & Innovation Director at DS Smith, Iberia: “Brands are adapting their carton caps, as according to the EU’s Waste and Contaminated Land Act- as of July 2024 – they will no longer be able to incorporate a separate cap. This is the best time for companies to redefine the packaging of their cartons and start using Light Wrap, benefiting from all its advantages.

“As leaders in the packaging industry, at DS Smith, we know that innovation and design are essential to creating sustainable and efficient solutions that meet the needs of our customers and society, in line with our purpose of Redefining Packaging for a Changing World.”

Additionally, our company is committed to collaborative design and working hand in hand with our customers to develop packaging ideas that help them achieve their objectives through a range of innovative tools and facilities, including our Innovation Hubs and PackRight Centers, where we hold collaborative and interactive sessions to design and develop packaging solutions together”, concludes Serrano.

Circular Design – DS Smith Research & Development to revolutionize the packaging sector

The Light Wrap patent is one of many products resulting from the €116m package in R&D and innovation that was announced by DS Smith in mid-2021 in support of the company’s work around the circular economy. The five-year investment includes the creation of a new cutting-edge technology centre in the UK, the development of new materials to replace plastics, and a pilot project to calibrate the impact of G-force on packaging for home deliveries.

The investment also supports the company’s sustainability strategy marked by the circular economy, which aims to offer all customers 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2023 and replace one billion plastic items in supermarkets and e-commerce channels by 2025.

DS Smith has developed Circular Design Metrics for packaging as a tool used to rate and compare the circularity of packaging designs through eight different indicators such as recyclability, renewable content, and supply chain optimization, among others. This tool enables the innovation and design teams to obtain a clear view of circularity and areas for improvement.

The investment also supports the company’s sustainability strategy marked by the circular economy, which aims to offer all customers 100% recyclable or reusable packaging by 2023 and replace one billion plastic items in supermarkets and e-commerce channels by 2025.

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