Prime Minister laments high unemployment figures

Posted on 17 Nov 2011

David Cameron commented that yesterday’s high unemployment figures were “very, very disappointing.”

Speaking at the launch of McLaren’s new production facility in Woking, the Prime Minister told staff: “We’re living in a very difficult economic time right now, we saw that in the very, very disappointing unemployment figures yesterday.”

“We can see all over Europe economies are stalling and our economy is set back by that. We live in very difficult times, I don’t hide that for one minute, but I think even in difficult times, maybe particularly in difficult times, it’s a moment when you’ve got to try and make sure you’re building a worthwhile economy for the future.

“When I come here and see the work that you’re doing it’s a great reminder that Britain still has world class engineering, world class manufacturing, world class production techniques.”

See the full story on the new McLaren Production Facility here:

See the full story on record youth unemployment here: