Delegate Fees

TM Subscriber Rate Non-Subscriber Rate
One day £75 +VAT £275 +VAT
Both days £95 +VAT £295 +VAT
TMDC & TM Awards 2014 £295 +VAT £495 +VAT

A subscription to The Manufacturer only costs £95 for manufacturing companies. Why not subscribe today, save on attendance to this event and also get a complimentary ticket to all Future Factory Series events for the duration of your subscription? Call our event team on 020 7401 6033 (opt 3) for more information.

Solution Providers & Consultants £1095 +VAT

If you are a consultant/solution provider and are looking to send more than one participant to the event contact Sarah Hough, Business Development Manager on 020 7202 4899 who will be able to discuss various options available to you.