Breakout 2: Manufacturing Best Practice

The best practice format for the breakout 2 sessions provides more in-depth case study presentations from manufacturers for each of the three subject areas of the streams: Energy and Environment; Supply Chain Supremacy; and Innovation. Through peer-to-peer learning, delegates will take away new ideas that they can apply directly to their manufacturing operations.

Energy and Environment

Waste of any sort is money off the bottom line. Creating and developing environmental and energy policies and practices are not just the domain of multinationals but of every type of manufacturer. This session will explore the latest practices and thinking on energy and environment.

Mark Cropper Chairman and Owner, James Cropper plc & Managing Director & Owner, Ellergreen Hydro

Presentation: Managing costs and exposure as an energy intensive manufacturer - strategy and experience

James Cropper PLC is one of the oldest manufacturing businesses in the UK. The business has been making and converting fine papers since 1753 from its Lake District base, and is a world leader in coloured papers for the luxury sector.

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Richard Laxton, Global QEHS Sustainability Manager, Arla Foods

Presentation: Energy - The Bottom Line - You Can't Afford Not To Save It : An Arla Foods Prespective

An experienced Environmental Manager, Richard has been involved in the food and dairy industries for over 25 years in a wide variety of operational, technical and safety roles.
Fellow of the RSA, he lives resource efficiency, chairing groups for NISP, Dairy UK, the Dairy Roadmap and the European Dairy Association.
At Arla, he helps deliver and communicate their global Environment and Sustainability Strategies, identifies trends, champions new technologies, whilst facilitating and promoting the concepts and requirements of zero waste and zero carbon.

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Jon Miles, Director of Sustainable Energy Finance, RBS

Jon has worked for RBS since Jan 2005. He started in the Public Sector team concentrating predominantly on finance solutions for Local Govt. RBS's link with Clinton Climate Initiative allowed Jon to understand the elements of Energy Performance Contracting and how this could be applied to Public and Private Sector. He was instrumental in setting up the LEEF fund within RBS to fund Public Sector energy efficiency projects and upgrades.

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Supply Chain Supremacy

This breakout session will focus on supply chain management and procurement. Localised supply chains and gaining supply chain visibility in the face of increasing complexity and unseen risk will be the focus. The session will also discuss the need to build complimentary supply chain skills and support collaboration with partners for improved efficiency.

Neil McBride, Group Supply Operations Director, Birds Eye Iglo

Presentation: Unfreezing operations: Improving supplier integration and performance at Birds Eye Iglo

Iglo Group focused on supply chain as a key operations improvement lever to achieve a step-change in performance. Their holistic and structured approach included looking at:

  • Effective supplier collaboration and strategic sourcing
  • Managing high seasonality in supply
  • Network optimisation in supply chain, manufacturing and distribution
  • Rigorous benchmarking, target setting and performance management processes
  • Culture and engaging staff in the supply chain improvement process

Steve Lucas, Logistics Manager, CNH

Presentation: Internal Logistics - Think Lean

How embracing Lean Manufacturing principles is improving material flow.

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This session will provide case studies on harnessing innovation in the workplace to create market- leading innovation. To stay ahead of the completion UK manufacturers need to innovate across their businesses. Delegates will see and hear UK manufacturers explain their approach to innovation and how they have grown by innovating consistently.

Ian Lomax Ian Lomax MSc, BSc, CEng, FIMechE, MIoD. Chief Operating Officer, ATB Austria Antriebstechnik AG

Presentation: Applying innovation to processes, systems and culture for outstanding business performance.

In this session participants will learn how a manufacturer of a technologically established product recognised its ability to innovate as a core competence and a key capability necessity for its strategic growth. The participants will learn how the business carefully defines innovation and how it promotes this as a capability to attract market lead product development. The participants will learn about the various drivers making this necessary. The participants will learn how the multiple award winning business has applied innovation to its processes, products, systems and culture leading to significant growth whilst continuing to manufacture in the UK and supplying its products to global markets.

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David Warburton-Broadhurst David Warburton-Broadhurst, Chief Information Officer, Masternaut

Presentation: Enterprise System for Innovation.

Innovating for growth requires the right investments and the right technology. Experiencing aggressive growth, Masternaut, the leader in innovation in the telematics sector, required an enterprise system solution that would be fit for purpose today, tomorrow and in the coming years.
Hear how this transformational IT project enables Masternaut to continue delivering customer value through its investment in innovation and provide even greater insight into vehicle use and driver behaviour.

David Warburton-Broadhurst is an experienced IT professional with a successful track record of delivering multi-million pound programmes. David has extensive business acumen combined with the real implementation experience to deliver significant business change within both blue chips environments and SMEs. David was the Associate Director of Cambridge Technology Partners for 9 years, following which he was appointed by Star Technology Group as Director of Business Applications and then Director for IT.

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