Delegate Fees

Conference Pricing

Booked & Paid Before 31st Oct Standard Price
Manufacturers Directors Conference £245+VAT £295+VAT
Manufacturers Directors Conference AND Manufacturer of the Year Awards Dinner £395+VAT £475+VAT
Manufacturer of the Year Awards Dinner £195+VAT £195+VAT
Solution provider's MDC* £595+VAT £795+VAT

With stakeholder engagement and buy-in being absolutely integral to the success of you manufacturing management and strategy, why not bring your teams and take advantage of our tremendous group discounts?

  • Save 30% for four to six delegates
  • Save 40% for over six delegates

*Solution provider's rates apply to delegates representing organsiations who provide business solutions to manufacturers, e.g. IT systems, insurance. For further information on eligibility contact Benn Walsh on 0207 202 7485 or email [email protected].