Spidex releases new “Permit-to-Work” software module.
Spidex Software Limited, the UK & Ireland supplier of award-winning maintenance management solutions, has announced the release of Permit-to-Work, a brand-new health & safety module. Permit-to-Work is the first in a series of web-based software releases that together will comprise ISIS, Spidex’s innovative, fully-integrated health & safety management software suite.
Permit-to-Work is a standalone module that delivers comprehensive, fully auditable management of all types of permit across single or multiple locations. Users are able to configure their own permit templates for all work types, based on the specific requirements of their operating environment. Acceptance and sign-off of individual permits can be carried out electronically or manually, with a full audit trail of changes available for subsequent examination.
The module is also designed to operate alongside Spidex’s Mainsaver CMMS (or indeed any other CMMS) – a logical connection, as the majority of risk-based activities on site are carried out by maintenance personnel. The link to CMMS enables users to look up work order, asset, personnel & location data quickly and transfer these directly to a new permit.
In common with other ISIS modules, Permit-to-Work was developed following extensive consultation with health & safety professionals currently working in environments as diverse as manufacturing, transport, healthcare and power generation.
Spidex Managing Director Jonathan Starling explains the findings: “The requirement expressed repeatedly by the health & safety managers we consulted was that records of this importance should be in a secure central digital repository in a uniform data format, as they are with ISIS. Having this facility means that audits, investigations and analyses can be undertaken without having to turn the organisation upside-down looking for records that are stored on paper or in spreadsheets.”
“These discussions have guided the development of ISIS and has enabled Spidex to create a health & safety management suite that is web-enabled, easy to use, robust and secure.”
To find out more about Permit-to-Work or to arrange an onsite demonstration please contact Spidex on (0)844 324 9190 or at [email protected]