AMONG the new initiatives introduced at the 2018 edition the World Manufacturing Forum, the first edition of a manufacturing report entitled, “The World Manufacturing Forum Report – Recommendations for the Future of Manufacturing” was presented.
The report, which will have a central role in the activities of the World Manufacturing Forum, draws on expertise from over 30 world experts and 150 policy documents.
WMF Scientific Chairman, Marco Taisch, highlights that the document defines manufacturing as a, “…architect for social prosperity that can help countries develop other important sectors of their economy and create positive economic growth.”
He added that, “…while manufacturing plays a vital role in the global community, there are many future challenges to be addressed. These include the changes in societal megatrends, the need for specific skills, the digitisation of entire supply chains, the need to create new urban manufacturing eco-systems, the hyper-personalisation of manufacturing, demographic and climate changes, and many others”
The 2018 WMF Report proposed the following recommendations to address these issues:
- Cultivate a positive perception of manufacturing.
- Promote education and skills development for societal well-being.
- Develop effective policies to support global business initiatives.
- Strengthen and expand infrastructures to enable future-oriented manufacturing.
- Encourage eco-systems for manufacturing innovation in the world-wide.
- Create attractive workplaces for all.
- Design and produce socially-oriented products.
- Assist SMEs with digital transformation.
- Explore the real value of data-driven cognitive manufacturing.
- Promote resource efficiency and country-specific environmental policies.
The following individuals contributed to the report along with others: Marco Taisch Professor at Politecnico di Milano and Scientific Chairman WMF; Dimitris Kiritsis, Professor of ICT for Sustainable Manufacturing at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Thorsten Wuest, Assistant Professor and J. Wayne & Kathy Richards Faculty Fellow at West Virginia University – U.S.A.; Claus Beckmann, Head of Energy and Climate Policy, Communications; Government Relations at BASF Group; Maurizio Cremonini, Head of Marketing at COMAU S.p.A.; Jim Davis, Vice Provost of Information Technology, The University of California, Los Angeles and Principle CIO Advisor, Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institution – U.S.A; Peter Dröll, Director, Industrial Technologies, DG Research & Innovation at European Commission; João Emilio P. Gonçalves, Executive Manager, Industrial Policy Unit at CNI (National Confederation of Industry); Thomas Gönner, Senior Vice President at Robert Bosch GmbH; Nigel Gwynne-Evans, Chief Director, African Integration & Industrial Development,Department of Trade & Industry; Jean-Philippe Havaux, Service Manager at Rolex SA – Switzerland; Martina Koederitz, Global Industry Managing Director, Industrial Products and Automotive at IBM; Ser Yong LIM, Executive Director, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Agency of Science, Technology and Research; Alton D. Romig Jr., Executive Officer at National Academy of Engineering (NAE); Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez, Researcher and Industrial Officer, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation; Andrey Suvorov, Head of Business Development, Industrial Cyber Security, Future Technology Department, Kaspersky Lab.
The entire WMF Report is available for download on our website:
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