Born to Engineer: Mathew Holloway has built a robot to keep you warm

Engineer Matt Holloway and his team have designed and built a robot designed to get into small spaces that can insulate your home. A robot literally designed keep you warm through the long cold winter nights?

Learn more about the innovations and creative projects engineers are involved in by watching these “Were You Born to Engineer?” videos.

It does not matter what your interests and passions are, from sport to healthcare – there is an exciting and rewarding role for you in Engineering. These videos have been produced by creative video producers duckrabbit, under the sponsorship of the ERA Foundation, the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

These videos are useful in the classroom, at master classes or residential courses, STEM clubs or any other forum when the excitement and opportunities of engineering are to be discussed.

They are free for use. Enjoy! Should you wish to download an HD version of any of these videos for off-line use, or indeed a loop of all the videos, please contact [email protected]