Now more than ever your organisation’s ability to manage change will define its future success.
Manufacturers know how to perfect production, optimise supply chains and grow relationships with customers. Over many years, they’ve developed processes, tools and strategies that set them apart from the competition.
Yet, when it comes to change management, the strategies that made them successful in the offline world don’t apply to the new digital era. Change management is more than changing how things are done; the marriage of people, processes and the technology must also occur.
The recently published Manufacturing Agility Assessment 2021 shows that almost two-thirds of companies want to increase manufacturing agility and a third say they want to introduce predictive maintenance and asset management.
But just how do they go about achieving these business goals?
As Managing Director of The Manufacturer, Henry Anson, notes in the report: “Being able to predict and adapt relies as much on adopting the right mindset and creating cultures of as it does using technology and data”.
Manufacturers can’t afford to fall behind due to the rapid pace of technological progress and changing customer expectations. They must take every opportunity to cut unnecessary costs, forge deeper stakeholder relationships, expand into new selling avenues and reduce their environmental impact.
Join HSO, Microsoft, The Manufacturer and one of Europe’s largest smoothie and juice brands, Innocent Drinks for a practical discussion on HOW TO MASTER CHANGE MANAGEMENT.
In this session, you will learn:
- The story behind how Innocent Drinks is successfully delivering a major transformation programme
- The key ingredients of any successful change management project
- The secret to overcoming cultural resistance to change
- How technology is helping to simplify and expedite change
- The answers to common questions and stumbling blocks
- What the future of change management looks like