Realtime control, impossible dream or realistic objective for the smaller manufacturer?

Have you ever wondered what you could achieve if you could stop firefighting and start strategically directing? Or where your business would be now if you had up to the second, totally trustable data?

Find answers to these and more key manufacturing challenges in this upcoming FREE webinar on 12 December 2018, 2.30pm: “Realtime control, impossible dream or realistic objective for the smaller manufacturer?”

In this 60-minute webinar with Robert Pope and James Crowter you’ll learn:

• How the scale and security of the cloud are an affordable reality for smaller manufacturers
• How you can create the flexibility to cope not only with what your customers demand today but what they will demand in the future
• How you can compete with anyone for your service as well as your product.

So if you’d rather work smarter than harder, then register here for the free webinar.