£34m available for new biotechnology

Posted on 15 May 2015 by The Manufacturer

Businesses can apply for a share of £34m from the Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst to develop new products and services.

The Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst supports development of new products and services from biological resources. Around £34 million is available to support innovative businesses and researchers working in priority areas.

The Catalyst is run by Innovate UK, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It supports research and development for the processing and production of materials, chemicals and bioenergy through sustainable exploitation of biological resources.

The UK is a world leader in research in this area, and it is estimated the size of the UK industrial biotechnology market could range from £4bn to £12bn by 2025.

The latest funding round opens on 21 May 2015 and there are five types of award: early stage translation; early stage technical feasibility studies; industrial research; late stage technical feasibility studies, and late stage experimental development.

The deadline for registration is 12pm on 5 August 2015 for late stage experimental development, industrial research and early stage: translation applications. For early and late stage technical feasibility studies applicants must register by 12pm 25 November.

Total project sizes can range from up to £250,000 for feasibility studies to up to £10m for experimental development.

Translation awards are led by the academic and while businesses can participate they are not funded. The remaining awards can involve a business working on its own or in collaboration with others.