The Technology Strategy Board is investing over £5 million to support British companies’ research and development of new regenerative medicine products, tools and technologies.
TSB is investing a total of £3.6 million across 16 therapeutics R&D projects and a further £1.6 million in 12 feasibility studies in related tools and technologies.
The funding for therapeutics research will enable the companies involved to accelerate product development to take advantage of future market opportunities. Meanwhile, the funding for the feasibility studies will enable companies to explore opportunities to develop platform tools and technologies to overcome key product development challenges including safety/efficacy testing and manufacturing.
Iain Gray, TSB chief executive, said: “Regenerative medicine has already provided significant medical advances, in areas such as skin regeneration for burns patients, and it has the potential to offer cures and treatments with long- term benefits. The UK is a world leader in this area, with a strong science base. For us to fulfil our potential in this field, a number of development challenges need to be overcome, so that British businesses – and the wider economy – can benefit from the successful commercial exploitation of promising discoveries.”
These projects are part of a wider £21.5m programme of investment in the area of regenerative medicine.