BCF offers a future in colour for chemistry graduates

Posted on 29 Apr 2015 by Callum Bentley

The UK Coatings Industry, via the British Coatings Federation (BCF), will be offering a unique scholarship for chemistry graduates interested in pursuing a career in the Coatings Industry.

Starting in September 2015, the scholarship will pay for the tuition fees for the three years of the Masters of Engineering in Formulation Chemistry (Paint, Inks and Coatings) course at the ITECH University in Lyon, France.

In addition, the lucky winner will gain practical work experience through three internships with UK coatings manufacturers each summer, lasting 11 months in total working in a paint or ink company.

The competition for the scholarship challenges applicants to submit a motivational video to describe their ambitions to pursue a career in the Coatings Industry. Applications from interested chemistry graduates will be accepted until the end of June 2015, with the recipient of the scholarship being announced in July. The application process and more information about the degree is available here.

“The ITECH University in Lyon is known by industry for producing the highest level Masters chemistry students for the coatings and ink industries in Europe, and they have a 100% success record in students finding jobs in the industry” said Tom Bowtell, the CEO of the BCF.

“Our industry is at the heart of several advanced manufacturing technologies around the world but we have a shortage of skilled R & D staff and an ageing workforce, which means there are strong job opportunities for chemistry students.”