Cardiff University joins KCMC network in innovation drive

Posted on 4 Feb 2014 by The Manufacturer

The Knowledge Centre Materials Chemistry has announced Cardiff University has become the fifth body to join its network of research institution partners.

Cardiff will join the Centre’s 2009 joint research institution founders Manchester, Liverpool and Bolton Universities and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) at Daresbury.

The expanding of numbers and geographical footprint of KCMC research partners is to increase engagement with industry nationwide, new strategic opportunities and extend research capabilities.

After the recent announcement of a funding partnership with the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), it is hoped the accession of Cardiff will bring important new capability to the KCMC especially in the context of market demand for increased sustainability and functionality in the design of new products.

KCMC Director Dr. John Conti-Ramsden said: “Helping to speed innovation through advanced and future new materials to serve the UK’s key high growth industry sectors is one of our key goals.

“Cardiff University marks a powerful addition to both the reach and capabilities of the KCMC network and we look forward to working with both the School of Chemistry and CCI.”

Professor Graham Hutchings, head of the Cardiff Catalysis Institute added: “Increased collaboration that brings together universities and research institutions in powerful confluence with industry is a crucial pathway to technical and competitive advantage in the application of advanced and new materials.”

Over the four years 2009-13, KCMC delivered collaborative innovation projects from over 700 industry engagements valued at £13.6m. – nearly double the original government investment.