The Manufacturer is compiling the 2010 annual manufacturing report and would like to invite you to contribute to the report by completing a five minute survey in your area of specialty.
The report is split into four areas (Economy and Government Policy; Purchasing and Procurement; Finance; and ICT) and we are working with Cardiff University to compile another edition of this valuable and informative publication.
All participants who complete the survey will receive a copy of the report to benchmark themselves and see how the trends have changed over the last three turbulent years.
If you feel that there is anyone else at your organisation that might like to contribute to the survey, please forward this link to the appropriate colleagues indicating which part you have completed and which part they are best suited to complete.
Part 1: Economy and Government Policy Survey
Part 2: Purchasing and Procurement Survey
Part 3: Finance Survey
Part 4: Information Communication Technology Survey
The Annual Manufacturing Report (AMR) was launched in 2002 to measure on an annual basis changes in key issues and factors affecting UK manufacturing across a very broad range of subject matter. The report identifies key areas of capital expenditure, and measures change in major capital investment categories. It also measure the extent of focus on change and improvement in key business processes and techniques and identifies the extent to which initiatives such as customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), lean manufacturing and change management are being embraced currently and planned for the future, along with the degree of focus on new product development.
Previous year’s AMRs can be found in the reports section of this website.
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