Do you need help with pay data?

Posted on 17 Sep 2013 by Tim Brown

Are you recruiting for new employees and concerned about getting the pay package both competitive but also cost effective? Are you reviewing pay rates at your company? Have you seen an increase in the turnover of your employees? Or do you have to deal with regular complaints from your workforce about pay?

EEF Workforce Pay benchmark sample cover
Download the sample EEF Workforce Pay Benchmark report.

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then chances are you need to get hold of an independent salary benchmark.  These salary benchmark reports allow you to assess the market rates for jobs in your area.

EEF’s newly published Workforce Pay Benchmark is just the type of survey report that could help.  It is an extensive benchmark of over 100 jobs in engineering and manufacturing, focusing on manual employees and lower level staff workers – up to supervisory level.

The report is presented on a per job basis allowing the user to establish the regional pay for a role and then make comparisons to other regions and nationally.  The report provides pay data for both basic and total pay giving a range of analysis from averages to medians and quartiles.

For a limited time, you can purchase this report for a reduced price of £336 + VAT, which is a saving of 20% on the full price.  Considering this report will help you with salary decisions that will range into the thousands of pounds, this report can offer a very fast return on investment and also help you to justify decisions swiftly and easily.

This offer is only open until the end of October 2013, so get your order in fast if you do not want to lose out.

Alternatively readers of The Manufacturer can purchase this report as part of an exclusive subscription to EEF’s pay benchmark series, which also includes the Directors’ and Professionals’ Pay Benchmarks.  The four reports that make up this subscription provide pay from an unskilled Labourer through to professional engineers, managers and right up to Managing Director level.  The subscription is on offer for a reduced price of £1,496 (+ VAT), which is a 25% saving on the full cost of the series.

Click here to download your free sample of the latest Workforce Pay Benchmark report.

For more information or to order your copy of the Workforce Pay Benchmark Issue 9, 2013, email Or for further information email: [email protected] and quote TMPB2013.

For the full subscription to all 4 reports please place your order here.