FDF calls for salt labelling

Posted on 22 Jul 2010 by The Manufacturer

The Food and Drink Federation says the EU should continue to allow food manufacturers to make ‘no added salt’ claims, ahead of discussions in Brussels tomorrow.

Officials from EU member states are meeting to discuss technical issues relating to the EU Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation. However, FDF says unless it is amended, the documentation would prevent manufacturers making legitimate claims about salt because of trace levels.

Barbara Gallani, FDF’s Director of Food Safety & Science, says: “UK food and drink manufacturers have made significant efforts to help consumers reduce their salt intake through product reformulation and innovation. Indeed, some products only exist because of their ability to make the ‘no added salt’ claim

“National authorities across Europe recognise the importance of controlling the levels of salt in the diet and so we urge them to consider the addition of this claim as part of the Annex to the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation. We are keen to ensure no more time is wasted in achieving a resolution for this issue as we want our members to be able to continue to label food products in a way that helps consumers to make healthier choices.”

If EU Member States do not approve the ‘no added salt’ claim, products affected will include muesli, potato-based savoury snacks and seasoning blends.

FDF is also calling for ‘X% less salt/fat/sugar’ to be allowed on packaging, as it helps consumers choose healthier products and entice manufacturers to lower levels.