First company to verify government’s IoT code of practice

Posted on 29 Mar 2018 by Jonny Williamson

Business improvement company, BSI, has launched a compliance scheme and governance framework allowing ‘smart’ devices and applications to be assessed against the government’s new IoT proposed code of practice.

A personal internet data container such as the Hub of all Things (HAT) would enable individuals to set the terms for precisely how businesses can access their personal data - image courtesy of WMG.
BSI today launches a compliance scheme for IoT, allowing ‘smart’ devices to be assessed against the Government’s new IoT proposed code of practice – image courtesy of WMG.

The IoT code of practice, which was announced earlier this year, allows for assessment within a digital verification framework.

This enables ongoing real-time visibility of the scope, meaning and status of verification for a product or application.

The framework is flexible to allow further evolution as the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) scheme is implemented.

It also reflects the need for security provisions to be appropriate to the properties of the technology and usage.

BSI’s new IoT compliance scheme is based on global best practice for information security and is matched to the 13 points in the IoT proposed code of practice developed by the DCMS in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Centre, manufacturers and retailers.

Government figures show that every household in the UK owns at least 10 internet connected devices, from smoke alarms to televisions.

Until today it has been difficult to assess the safety and reliability of these devices and their applications, putting individuals’ online security, privacy and data at risk of exploitation or hacking.

Ahead of the arrival of the new GDPR regulations in May, organizations both in the UK and overseas need to ensure personal data is protected. Recent high-profile breaches have included attacks on smart watches, CCTV cameras and children’s dolls.

David Mudd, IoT Development Director at BSI said: “There is already at least one IoT device for every person on the planet, and this is set to grow exponentially as the full potential of this technology is realized.

“Consumers and industry need to have confidence in the safety and reliability of these new devices and applications. Standards catalyse trust between innovative technologies and innovative business models. Independent verification to a government code of practice will unlock trust in IoT both today and tomorrow.”

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