Fuel efficient driving could save UK motorists £6.8bn

Posted on 10 Jul 2013 by The Manufacturer

Six of the UK's leading automotive bodies have joined forces to promote fuel-efficient driving that could save motorists more than £6.8 billion a year.

The six bodies state the average driver could make a 20% saving on their fuel bill, boosting their vehicle’s efficiency to equal, or even exceed, official European mpg levels.

Without effecting time or speed of travel, a series of simple driving tips could reduce vehicle emissions by a fifth and improve road safety.

“Motorists could save around 20% on fuel costs by making a few simple changes to the way they drive. We have rallied as an industry to communicate this message at all levels so motorists have the skills to save money and help the environment,” said Mike Baunton, SMMT Interim Chief Executive.

“Official European mpg figures are a guide to how cars can perform, but the biggest factor in getting maximum mpg is the driver and that’s why we’re so keen to help drivers realise the benefits.”

The initiative, which can save the average driver £200 a year, has also won the backing of the AA and the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

Motorists stand to save even more as a result of cars being 23% more efficient today than ten years ago.