Hydraulic components maker lands carbon reduction funding

Posted on 30 Nov 2017 by Jonny Williamson

An £11,000 energy efficiency fund has been awarded to help pneumatic components manufacturer to reduce carbon emissions by up to six tonnes a year.

The system uses 60% less energy and will save the company £1,740 a year on electricity – image courtesy of Tidyco

The D2 Energy Efficiency (D2EE) project – a partnership run by the University of Derby, Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils – has awarded £11,000 of funding to Tidyco, helping reduce its carbon emissions by six tonnes per year.

Hydraulic and pneumatic components manufacturer, Tidyco applied for the investment to part-fund the costs of installing a new energy efficient LED lighting system at its premises in Derby.

The system uses 60% less energy and is expected to save the company £1,740 a year on electricity.

The D2EE project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to provide support and grant funding to help SMEs in Derby and Derbyshire to reduce their energy use.

In addition to funding, the Low Carbon Business Network, hosted by University of Derby Management School, offers assistance in a wide variety of areas, including green funding, public tendering and carbon footprinting.

Through its Green Accreditation, the network also offers support to SMEs to achieve an accreditation for their product, process or service.

Tidyco applied for funding after it identified an opportunity to make significant cost and energy savings by upgrading the lighting in its premises.

The company made an ongoing commitment to becoming a low-carbon business by reducing its energy consumption and carbon emissions. It has already invested in a solar photovoltaic (PV) system to meet its electricity demand from renewable solar energy.

As a result of the funding, the company’s whole site now has LED lights controlled by daylight and movement sensors, and has significantly reduced its carbon emissions.