IFS Labs, the innovation division of global enterprise applications company IFS, has created a proof-of-concept that shows how users of business applications can benefit from wearable technology.
The fully working proof-of-concept demonstrates how notifications from IFS’s business applications can be delivered to wearable technology.
Using Samsung’s APIs for notification alerts, IFS connected components of its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) systems to send alerts in line with updates to certain processes.
The company says this can enable field service operatives to be alerted when important items are shipped, key projects are started or completed, or even be notified when invoices are paid.
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David Anderson, director of IFS Labs said the new device pioneers its commitment to mobility, and said the device was driven by demand from customers requiring increased globalisation.
“Many of our customers have told us the importance of mobilising their business applications so that employees can access the information they need and make educated decisions wherever they are in the field,” he said.
“As a recognized leader in the ERP market, we believe it’s important to innovate, test and develop emerging technologies within the context of how they can bring value to users of business applications.”
Industry analyst Gartner has already forecasted the wearables market is set to grow to $10bn (£4.5bn) by 2016, while CCS Insight predict there will be up to 100 million smartphone companions by 2017.