Intellect creates Code of Best Practice

Posted on 12 Jun 2012

Trade association Intellect UK has created a code to ensure the retention of high standards for domestic and international customers to the UK electronics industry.

Intellect represents companies that specialise in IT solutions and the design and manufacture of electronic systems, sub-systems and components.

These are areas where the UK has internationally recognised strengths but Intellect has created its new code in response to repeated messages from government about the importance of upskilling, apprenticeships, hi-tech manufacturing and the generation of intellectual property.

“To remain globally competitive the UK must manufacture what other rapidly expanding nations can’t, so they still import from us,” said a government spokesperson.

Intellect’s electronics manufacturing and design community generates roughly 10% of UK GDP and 15% of UK trade. It is hoped the new Code of Best Practice will set an international benchmark to highlight the high perfomance of Intellect members in the UK.

So far 24 of Intellect’s 800 strong memebrship have signed up to the code.

Phil Inness, managing director of Axis Electronics and chairman of Intellect’s EMSA group representing contract electronics manufacturing members said: “This Code of Best Practice helps establish a base to work from and a common understanding for professional relationships across the whole industry.”

Another early adherent for the code, Wendy Heyes, director of CC Electronics Europe and chair of Intellect’s PCB Fabricators & Suppliers Group commented: “We hope the code provides recognition to all the electronics companies who take a fair and responsible approach to business and actively support their industry.”