Latest insight on UK manufacturing from Atos

Posted on 22 Feb 2017 by The Manufacturer

In October 2016, Atos and The Manufacturer teamed up for the second year in a row to bring together more than 20 decision-makers in Atos’ London office, to discuss four key industry challenges at the 'Transforming Manufacturing Embracing Digital' roundtable event.

The thoughts and opinions of these UK manufacturing leaders were recorded and compiled to create the second edition of the co-branded Directive on Digital Transformation report, which provides a unique insight into what manufacturers have to say about new digital technologies and more.

Embracing digital

Directive on Digital Transformation report - 2nd Edition - The Manufacturer & AtosAfter keynote speakers Keith Jackson (CTO of Meggitt) and Conor La Grue (head of engineering for the Bloodhound SSC project) presented their thoughts on how best  to embrace digital technologies in this rapidly changing digital climate, the attendees formed breakout groups to deep dive into this challenge and more.

The key concern that surfaced from these conversations around digital technologies was the speed at which new advancements are now being developed. One attendee said, “The factory of the future is constantly changing. What we talk about today may be obsolete shortly”. This led to discussions around how best to innovate, and attendees identified the need to look at modern technologies in alternative ways to find new uses for them to get ahead, and stay ahead, of the competition.

True business transformation

However, the attendees highlighted that the implementation of these technologies can have drastic effects on its overall effectiveness. One attendee stated that, “Digitising works better when starting from a blank sheet of paper, the people who realise this will have the best results”. It was also suggested that in order to truly transform your business, a complete design and business plan overhaul is required.

This is just a short overview of the points discussed by the attendees at the event, and the entire second edition of the Directive on Digital Transformation co-branded report, containing the other sections: Industry 4.0, People & Culture, and Data & Security can be found here.

This is a one of a kind piece of thought leadership that aims to provide insight into the issues that manufacturers are experiencing, and to document industry experts’ thoughts on how to best tackle these issues.

The first and second editions of this white paper, alongside specific industry sub-reports are available for download now on the Atos website.