MAC launches new manufacturing advisory service

Posted on 3 Jan 2012 by The Manufacturer

The new look Manufacturing Advisory Service began life today and has a three year budget of £57m focused on helping small and medium-sized manufacturers to grow.

The new Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS), to be delivered by the Manufacturing Advisory Consortium (MAC), is now available to all manufacturing businesses across England. The national programme aims to help firms achieve substantial improvements in their productivity and competitiveness, with estimates showing that the new scheme will establish 23,000 jobs, safeguard 50,000, as well as generating £1.5 billion in economic growth.

In order to cater for the individual needs of businesses the new MAS will comprise of 5 levels: Enquiries, Manufacturing Review, Events, Consultancy, and Referrals, as well as focusing on helping SME’s diversify into advanced manufacturing supply chains through the above levels.

Business Minister Mark Prisk said: “Manufacturing contributes half of Britain’s exports and has much higher productivity than the rest of the economy so it is essential to our plans for growth. That is why we are taking steps to ensure our industrial base is thriving as part of a strong and balanced UK economy.

“The new Manufacturing Advisory Service will play a key role, providing tailored advice to businesses helping them to grow and thrive, with a specific focus on helping SMEs improve competitiveness and unlock their growth potential.”

A new Government initiative to improve the global competitiveness of UK advanced manufacturing supply chains will also be made accessible to small manufacturing businesses. The fund of up to £125 million will cover the whole of England and will help to support the UK supply chain whilst encouraging new suppliers to invest in the UK and support economic growth.

Businesses interested in finding out more about the programme can find out more by visiting or by calling an advisor on 0845 658 9600.

Emma Powell