Quantum noise simulation could help better deal with IoT data

Posted on 13 Apr 2018 by Jonny Williamson

Researchers at the Atos Quantum Laboratory have successfully modelled ‘quantum noise’ which could make it possible to better deal with the explosion of data the Internet of Things is to bring about.

Researchers have modelled ‘quantum noise’ which could make it possible to better deal with IoT data – image courtesy of Depositphotos.

The Atos Quantum Learning Machine (QLM) now has advanced quantum hardware modelling capabilities such as physics-based realistic qubit noise simulation and optimisation of quantum software for real quantum processors.

Thanks to this innovation, Atos QLM users are now able to optimise their quantum algorithms on any targeted quantum hardware.

This major step has been recognised by the Atos Quantum Scientific Council as a breakthrough in the quantum computing research field.

A worldwide commercial success for the Atos QLM

A mere nine months after its commercial launch, the Atos QLM – the world’s most performing quantum simulator, capable of simulating up to 40 quantum bits (Qubits) – has been sold in several countries including the USA (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), France, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria, empowering major research programs in various sectors.

Quantum computing should make it possible, in the years to come, to deal with the explosion of data, which Big Data and the Internet of Things bring about.

With its targeted and unprecedented compute acceleration capabilities, notably based on the exascale class supercomputer BullSequana, quantum computing should also promote advances in deep learning, algorithmics and artificial intelligence for areas as varied as pharmaceuticals or new materials.

To make progress on these topics, Atos intends to also put in place several partnerships with research centers and universities around the world.

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