Research warns of wasted energy this winter

Posted on 20 Jan 2015 by Victoria Fitzgerald

Industry in Britain could waste half a billion pounds over the winter months as it emits 7.4 million tonnes of unnecessary C02, new research has shown today.

Vickers Energy Group, which carried out the research, is calling for British businesses to make immediate operational changes to increase efficiency and reduce unnecessary carbon emissions during the cold winter months.

The savings that could be achieved by UK business would be enough to fund 18,868 jobs, power 866,551 homes for a year or the cost of building a new hospital.

As the cold weather is set to continue well into the New Year businesses will consume an increased amount of energy, of which much is totally unnecessary.

David Hilton from Vickers said: “As a nation we are not proficient at looking at where we can reduce our energy consumption.

“UK industry could save itself £1.2 billion pounds every year if only it addressed the issue and reduced its carbon emissions.

“The situation cannot just continue without any monitoring and we are calling on UK businesses and the government to ensure that there are regulations in place to stop money haemorrhaging out of the economy every day.  Just imagine what could be done with the money that is saved.”

The wastage figures were calculated on the amount of savings that Vickers energy has made for its customers over the past ten years.  The results clearly show heating systems particularly in the UK are not being managed in the correct way, and are operating at too high a temperature to ensure efficiency across the business.