It will only take a few minutes to complete this survey.
But what is it about?
Resource efficiency is about minimising waste and the efficient use of inputs and outputs in the manufacturing process (energy, water, raw materials, physical wastes).
Why should you share your thoughts?
The purpose of the survey is to better understand the resource efficiency challenges and concerns facing manufacturers like you, as well as your appetite for implementing improvements.
The survey examines the ‘value proposition’ at the heart of resource efficiency management– profitability can be improved by reducing the amount of resources used. The survey also examines the barriers to achieving resource efficiency; what systems are available to make change and asks if you have the right systems in place to maximise resource efficiency?
Once all the results have been collated, we will be creating a comprehensive report and as a valued contributor we will send you a free copy so that you can understand how your priorities measure up with other leaders in your sector and what that means to you over the next two to three years.
*You can complete this survey without offering us Identifiable Personal Information.
If you would like to receive a copy of the final report from 2degrees, please supply your details and then opt in to receiving communications from 2degrees.
You will similarly have the opportunity to opt in to receive future communications from The Manufacturer.