Siemens Traffic Solutions has been named the Toyota Material Handling Factory of the Year at the 2010 Best Factory Awards.
The traffic lights and control systems manufacturer, based in Poole, Dorset, also scooped the Best Electronics & Electrical Plant award and was highly commended for the People Management & Skills Development award. Through use of lean manufacturing processes over the past two years, the business has increased its turnover from £15m to £21m, without increasing its workforce of 120 and against a background of cost pressures.
Dr Marek Szwejczewski, director of the Best Factory Awards said: “The Siemens Traffic Solutions facility in Poole is a factory of distinction, and provides a benchmark of manufacturing excellence for others to strive for. Lean manufacturing is at the core of its success. Key elements deployed include one-piece flow, 5S workplace organisation, an employee suggestion scheme and cellular manufacturing. Of all its lean initiatives, its 3i (ideas, innovations, impulses) suggestion scheme has proved particularly successful, offering around 3,500 potential improvements in the past three or four years alone.
“One of the most important traits shared by this year’s award winners was their emphasis on continuous improvement (CI). All employees were trained in CI techniques and encouraged to make suggestions for improvement, and get involved in developing the solutions. Much has been said about a skills gap in the UK – in Britain’s best factories training continues to receive special attention. They have continued to invest in the training of their employees; they have upgraded their skills through the use of NVQs and specialist training. The winners have also increased the recruitment of apprentices, partly in anticipation of future skill deficiencies as the highly skilled experienced employees retire, and also to create a pool of talent from which future managers can be drawn.
“Following yet another difficult year, recent output statistics suggest that UK manufacturing is finally emerging from the slump. In a challenging economy, the best plants were also undertaking large step change improvement projects, bringing together a cross functional team (which included shop floor employees) to make significant improvements in quality, delivery and cost performance.”
Ken Hurst, the editorial director of Works Management – a partner in the awards – said: “These award winners demonstrate that manufacturers can secure their future, but they must continuously improve their products and processes. These trailblazing factories are a valuable source of best practice that can benefit UK manufacturing as a whole.”
The full list of winners and highly commended plants for 2010:
Toyota Material Handling Factory of the Year: Siemens Traffic Solutions in Poole, Dorset.
Best Process Plant Award: Bison Manufacturing in Swadlincote, Derbyshire – Producer of pre-stressed concrete hollowcore flooring units.
Highly commended: Yara UK in Pocklington, York.
Best Engineering Plant Award: Vaillant Group in Belper, Derbyshire – Manufacturer of domestic condensing boilers.
Best Electronics and Electrical Plant Award: Siemens Traffic Solutions in Poole, Dorset.
Highly commended: EMS Radio Fire & Security Systems in Herne Bay, Kent.
Best Household and General Products Plant Award: Tamar Foods in Callington, Cornwall – Producer of pies, sausage rolls and savoury pasties.
Highly commended: Vitacress Salads in St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hants.
Best SME Award: EMS Radio Fire & Security Systems in Herne Bay, Kent – – The plant produces wireless fire detection systems.
Highly commended: Controlled Therapeutics in East Kilbride, Glasgow.
People Management & Skills Development Award: Vitacress Salads in St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hants – Produces washed, bagged salads.
Highly commended: Controlled Therapeutics in East Kilbride, Glasgow and Siemens Traffic Solutions in Poole, Dorset.
Supply Chain Award: Fläkt Woods in Colchester, Essex – Manufacturer of equipment for buildings, tunnels and car parks.
Highly commended: Vitacress Salads in St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hants.
Most Improved Plant Award: Siemens Magnet Technology in Witney, Oxon – The plant makes large super conducting magnets for use in MRI scanners.
Highly commended: Reckitt Benckiser in Derby.
Health & Safety Award: Thales in Basingstoke, Hampshire – The plant produces electronic components for defence systems.
Highly commended: Yara UK in Pocklington, York.
Innovation Award: Siemens Magnet Technology in Witney, Oxon.
Energy & Environment Award: Vaillant Group in Belper, Derbyshire.
The Judges’ Special Award: Olympus KeyMed in Southend, Essex – Manufacturer of workstations, suction & flushing pumps, insufflators, cleaning and disinfection equipment for medical endoscopy, rigid endoscopes, light sources and high speed video cameras for industrial and scientific applications.
Highly commended: General Mills in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland; Clyde Bergemann in Bridgeton, Glasgow; Portable Foods Manufacturing Co in Wrexham, North Wales and Faurecia Automotive Seating in Banbury.
The Best Factory Awards celebrate UK manufacturing excellence. All 13 award winners were named at a ceremony at the Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden, London on Friday 17 September.