Third Directive on Digital Transformation from Atos & The Manufacturer

Posted on 16 Apr 2018 by The Manufacturer

As 2017 drew to a close, Atos and The Manufacturer brought together leaders from across the manufacturing sector for the third annual ‘Transforming Manufacturing, Embracing Digital’ roundtable event.

School Children Classroom STEM - Stock
Attendees were quick to mention the decreasing number of students engaging with STEM courses in the UK.

The thoughts of these senior level manufacturers on four key issues impacting the manufacturing sector were captured and documented to create the third Edition of the co-branded Directive on Digital Transformation report, while a keynote address from Dr Sam Turner, CTO of High Value Manufacturing Catapult, helped to inform and inspire the attendees.

The STEM issue

Finding and recruiting young talent in the UK is an issue, as attendees were quick to mention the decreasing number of students engaging with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) courses in the UK.

In Germany, engineers are thought of as prestigiously as doctors, one attendee pointed out, and it’s this culture that the UK needs to work towards to encourage students of all ages to pursue a career as an agile, multi-skilled engineer.

To do this, a better partnership between government and the industry was discussed to develop a strategic and well-funded approach to increasing interest in STEM courses and careers.

This section of the report around people and culture, as well as the entire third edition of the Directive on Digital Transformation co-branded report are now available for download here.

Unique Insight

This report offers a unique opportunity to hear what leaders in the manufacturing industry are saying first-hand, and how they are handling the issues that are presented to them.

The other issues discussed in the full report – available to download here – include: Industry 4.0, Digital Business Transformation, and Data Security, Trust and Compliance.

All the discussions and conclusions from across the event are documented in the Directive on Digital Transformation report which also contains key directives to consider when facing your own digital transformation journey. 

The third edition of the co-branded report builds on the first and second editions, and all three can be downloaded here.