The Manufacturer is thrilled to announce that XMPro, a global provider of software and services for industrial IoT applications, will be taking a stand at TM Smart Factory Expo.
“We want to show industrial companies in the UK how they can turn their existing data into IoT applications in a matter of days. For many people the Industrial Internet of Things is still an abstract concept. But we want to show them that the opportunities created by IoT can be a reality for them right now. We’ll be doing a live demo of our ‘Factory in a Box’ to give attendees a tangible example of how they can transform into a Smart Factory”, explains Pieter van Schalkwyk, XMPro founder and CEO.
Founded in 2009, XMPro has a proven track record of helping organisations improve operational excellence, reduce risk and increase asset utilisation through its Agile IoT Application Suite and Business Process Management products.
Pieter van Schalkwyk, a mechanical engineer by training, spent a decade in the petrochemical industry where he learned first-hand the importance of operational efficiency and how enterprise IT systems could impact it. Pieter subsequently launched XMPro with a focus on intelligent business process management (BPM) solutions for industry, and received the Gartner BPM Cool Vendor award in 2012.
“It takes a village to transform a traditional factory into a Smart Factory. There is no one size fits all solution, rather an ecosystem made up of different parts. The Smart Factory Expo brings together all of the leading solution providers in this space. And this gives attendees the opportunity to see how they could combine components from various vendors to transform their factories.”
The company created its first IoT app in 2013 and in 2015 it released the Agile IoT Application Suite. This extended its capabilities to help industries rapidly gain insight from the massive amount of data available in Industrial IoT.
Click here to register for FREE for The Manufacturer Smart Factory Expo, 2-3 Nov, The NEC, Birmingham
Click here to watch an 8-minute demo video from XMPro.
Click here to learn more about how to get started with Industrial IoT.