UK energy-saving firm saves customers 1bn kWH

Posted on 14 Jul 2011 by The Manufacturer

Customers have saved 1 billion kWh in energy consumption with powerPerfector's voltage optimisation technology, the company claims.

A billion kWh is the energy saving equivalent to turning off the power to London for nine days, or 820 cups of tea for everybody in the UK.

The voltage optimisation technology is designed to ensure appliances in homes and businesses aren’t supplied with more energy than they need. Instead of a normal 230V lamp running at 230V, it runs at 240V. The lamp doesn’t run better if it’s being oversupplied with electricity, so as well as wasting energy it will fail faster. In a nutshell, the technology optimises the voltage of appliances and devices. Taking this into account, the amount of electricity saved could be huge if the technology is installed across a large factory or site, especially when assessed after a long period of time.

Angus Robertson, CEO of powerPerfector said: “The billion barrier outlines the pivotal role that energy efficiency can play in delivering a sustainable power supply in the future. We have saved our clients £85 million in energy spend to date, which in the current financial climate is of great benefit.”

George Archer