UK tech to help air passengers travel safely

Posted on 22 Jul 2020 by Jonny Williamson

Getting people travelling safely again during the Covid-19 pandemic is a key priority for governments across the world and a Stafford-based business is proving to be part of the solution.

Addmaster, a leading developer of performance enhancing additives for the plastic, paper, textile, paintings and coatings industry, is currently working with the aviation sector to help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses on anything from aircraft seats, tables and walls to luggage trolley and security trays.

The company’s ‘Biomaster’ antimicrobial technology is reportedly proven to inhibit the growth of microbes by up to 99.99% and is also highly effective against inactivating viruses on surfaces such as textiles, paper and plastic.

Collaborations with global specialists are already well underway and further trials are about to start with airports and airlines around the world, with view to mainstream adoption so that there is added protection for air passengers.

Airplane-window (Anugrah Lohiya) air passengers travel safely

CEO of Addmaster, Paul Morris, commented: “Hygiene is now front and centre of business thinking and none more so than in the travel sector where companies need to give millions of people peace of mind that they can fly safely.

“We have seen a massive surge of enquiries for our Biomaster antimicrobial technology over the past three months and are now in advanced trials with a number of global organisations and new tests are starting every week.”

He continued: “When microbes land on an untreated surface they can easily contaminate the next person that touches that product. However, if they land on an antimicrobial protected surface, silver ions in Biomaster inhibit the growth of bacteria and deactivate viruses*, significantly reducing the risk of cross contamination.

“This approach has been successfully tested to protect against Norovirus and feline Coronavirus and we believe it will work on Covid-19. Unfortunately, there has yet to be an approved test developed for the latest virus, so we can only base the antiviral efficacy of Biomaster on the fact it has been effective against similar ‘protective lipid coatings’.”

Addmaster, which recently won its third Queen’s Award in April, is ramping up activities to cope with the growth in demand, including increasing production and appointing additional sales resource to deal with enquiries.

The versatility of Biomaster is proving advantageous as it can be built into the manufacturing process, applied to existing surfaces via air cured coating or sprayed onto textiles.

This enables the company to offer an immediate solution for airlines and airports, while also potentially becoming an important production partner for manufacturers to the sector.

Morris concluded: “You don’t realise how many surfaces you touch when travelling through airports and on aircraft…luggage trolleys, security trays, numerous door handles, counters, seat tables and armrests.

“Regular cleaning is vital, but Biomaster can be a very powerful ally in protecting passengers when in contact with surfaces.”

Addmaster developed its technology 20 years ago when it worked with the medical sector to provide products that reduced MRSA.

In the past five years, the company has been developing solutions in the transport sector with the likes of Transport for London, HS2 and the automotive industry.

*Although viral testing has been carried out on enveloped and non-enveloped variants. General Biomaster viral claims cannot be made unless products have been tested and approved in advance.