UKIBC-BBG sign memorandum to help British business in India

Posted on 12 Nov 2013

Minister Hugo Swire meets British business at the UK India Business Centre and signs MoU.

The UK India Business Council (UKIBC) and the Delhi British Business Group (BBG) have signed an MoU in the presence of the Minister of State for Foreign Office Hugo Swire, in Gurgaon today.

The MoU between the UKIBC and the BBG will strengthen the support network available to British companies seeking to enter or expand into the Indian market.

The MOU is part of a broader partnership between BBG Delhi and the UKIBC.
At the Centre Mr Swire met British companies including Rolls Royce, John Lewis Partnership, Standard Chartered, JCB, Pearson, BAE, HSBC, PwC, AoC, KPMG, British Airways and Rio Tinto.

During a roundtable discussion on corporate social responsibility, participants discussed CSR initiatives in India and how their companies can promote world-class British expertise on CSR in India.

Speaking about Mr Swire’s visit and the signing of the MoU, Richard McCallum, MD, UKIBC India said “We are delighted to host the Rt Hon. Hugo Swire to lead a discussion on the important and topical subject of CSR.

“We are also delighted to sign an MoU between the UKIBC and the British Business Group in Delhi, which will enhance collaboration between UKIBC and the BBG in order to provide British businesses looking to enter or expand into the Indian market with an even better support system. We currently have two BBG members on the UKIBC India Board and this MoU will serve to strengthen further our relationship with the BBG.”

As part of the arrangement BBG members will receive discounted rates for using the UKIBC Centre facilities, including hot-desking, meeting, event and training space. They will also receive complimentary market intelligence including sector and market reports from UKIBC. UKIBC members and clients will receive discounted membership of the BBG and benefit from the considerable and widespread expertise of the BBG membership in the Delhi National Capital Region.

The organisations will work together on joint events, where possible using the world-class facilities at the Centre.