Welcome to the inaugural annual Lean Report 2011 sponsored by eBECS, TBM and Minitab.

A survey by The Manufacturer magazine was conducted in July 2010, aimed at obtaining insight on how, and to what effect, Lean Thinking is being used by organisations.

The report found that more than two-thirds (70%) of respondents already have a lean program in their organisation while a further 11% have indicated plans to implement a lean program in the next 12 months This level of adoption indicates a strong acceptance amongst industry of the benefits and necessity of lean.

Alongside the data, you’ll find expert analysis from: Barry Evans, Senior Research Associate in Lean Enterprise Research Centre (Cardiff Business School) and insightful articles from report sponsors and lean experts: eBECS, TBM and Minitab. From all at The Manufacturer magazine and the Lean Management Journal, we hope you enjoy the Lean Report, 2011.