What does the future of Employee Engagement look like?

The career expectations of millennials are vastly different from that exhibited by previous generations, and the notion of a ‘job for life’ is rapidly fading away.

With workers now very much in the driving seat, it is absolutely vital that businesses invest in their workplace culture and employee experience.

Adam Spearing, Senior Area Vice President at EMEA – Salesforce, explains how digital tools and hyper-connectivity are driving the future of Employee Engagement.

App dev + engaged employees = a better bottom line

App dev + engaged employees = a better bottom lineConnecting every employee on the Salesforce Lightning platform delivers real business results:

  • 297% increase in ROI
  • 33% reduction in helpdesk calls, and £3.6m in savings
  • 50% increase in app development speed reduces unnecessary hiring

Download this free Forrester study and discover why building apps is now everyone’s business.

Delve deeper!

This video is one of a trio of short insight-driven videos The Manufacturer has created with Salesforce and Adam Spearing around the crucial topics of connectivity and employee engagement:

Empowering employees through collaborative systems will improve productivity – connected business applications play a vital role in fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration and superior customer experiences.

How can manufacturers connect with customers by enhancing their entire operation? – How is digital technology helping to strengthen manufacturers’ customer relationships, enhance supply chain collaboration and ultimately, drive revenue?