A groundbreaking collaboration between Unipart Manufacturing and Coventry University has been recognised by a major educational awards programme.
The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) has been shortlisted in the ‘Business Partnership’ category at the prestigious Guardian University Awards due to be held on March 16th.
Known as the UK’s first ‘Faculty on the Factory Floor’, AME has impressed judges with its new approach to delivering industry-ready graduates with 60 budding engineers currently benefitting from hundreds of hours of ‘live manufacturing’ learning every year.
Its 1,700 sqm manufacturing hub in Coventry is also fast becoming a world class R&D centre, with seven projects on their way to completion…all delivering new powertrain solutions for the automotive, aerospace and rail sectors.
Director of AME, Dr Carl Perrin explained: “When Unipart and Coventry University came together to develop the Institute, there was a lot of people expecting industry and academia to be an uncomfortable marriage.”
“I wouldn’t say it has always been plain sailing as the two cultures got used to each other, but what we have created will deliver a step change in manufacturing education and provides the UK with a platform to actually commercialise all of the great innovative work we’ve been doing in this country for years.”
He continued: “There was a lot of praise from industry last year, but I think that was more about our potential. Eighteen months on and we are delivering innovative learning, forging relationships with the supply chain and bringing lightweight technology to market that is delivering contracts and creating new jobs.
“Our promise is now being fulfilled and AME is starting to positively influence the UK’s competitive advantage.”
The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering is up against the University of Leeds and the University of Nottingham in the finals of the ‘Building Partnership’ Award.