Don’t miss out!

Posted on 28 Oct 2011 by The Manufacturer

EEF has extended the deadline for submissions to this year’s photography competition. There’s still time to hand in your heroes of modern UK manufacturing images and win the latest innovative items from the Canon photography range, worth up to £5000.

The EEF Heroes of Modern UK Manufacturing Photography Competition aims to put the pride back in manufacturing by capturing the boldness, brilliance and beauty of modern industry.

To help you put the finishing touches on your entry, we’ve extended the deadline by one week, to now close on Friday, November 4.

Local professional and amateur photographers, including talented youngsters, should submit their best pictures of manufacturing and compete for a share in £5000 worth of Canon equipment.

“This is a free to enter competition and we’re inviting photographers of all ages to submit their images of manufacturing heroes,” said EEF Chief Executive, Terry Scuoler. “It’s an open brief with plenty of creative potential that can focus on any aspect of industry – whether that’s heroic people, products, places or processes.”

£5000 worth of Canon equipment up for grabs
Canon is providing prize vouchers for £5000 worth of photography equipment, including its new range of digital still cameras and inkjet printers, which will be shared among the winners.

Enter the competition free by November 4, 2011
Upload your photographs which capture your heroes of manufacturing at

Get in touch
Any questions, talk to Stuart Biddle on 0207 654 1501 or email [email protected].