The automotive industry is driving innovation, and technological advancement is allowing more sophisticated cars to be designed and created for consumers.

Therefore, to keep up with new vehicles which showcase a diverse range of technologies and gadgets, car manufacturers are constantly on the lookout for new technology and software that’ll make the creation of vehicles easier, faster and, if possible, cheaper.
With modern automobiles becoming the epitome of high-tech, car manufacturers need to rely on skilled workers and state-of-the-art processes to drive efficiencies and build reliable and beautiful cars. Here’s how technology in the workshop has helped car manufacturers over the years.
Progression in Management
The assembly line isn’t the only aspect of automotive workshops that have benefited from innovative technology. For example, Fleet Management software simplifies and oversees your workforce, while managing finances, suppliers and workshop scheduling. This overview of construction reduces administrative chores, and it ensures you utilise your time and money properly – whereas, before such software and tools, these tasks would have been strenuous to supervise, limiting your manufacturing potential.
The progression of software also allows manufacturing companies to cut down on employee costs. Instead of having countless employees to sort through billing and invoicing, write reports and file documents, software can help reduce expenditure while reducing the rate of human error and improve compliance.
Advancement in the Production Line
Many people focus on the improvement of the cars and how they have drastically upgraded and changed over the years, forgetting about the advancements made in the construction of automobiles. We’re so wrapped up in the latest Sat Nav and touch screens that we forget about how our cars used to be made and how the process has adapted over the years.
For example, the production line of a car is, in fact, mostly manned by robots rather than humans. In the earlier years, almost everything was done by people, with the assembly of the car mostly done by hand. Manpower was used when building cars, with cars still being built in high volumes.
Nowadays, modern factories assemble cars with the help of robots. These robots are choreographed to carry out specific tasks, meaning the construction of a single car is faster (a whole car can be put together in under 90 minutes) and more accurate. The robots, though, still need to be supervised by humans.
Reducing Harmful Emissions
When mass production was relatively new, the effects it would have on the environment were unknown. Global warming was not considered, and so the emissions produced were considered an eyesore but nothing else. However, many car manufacturers are concerned about the impact they will have on Mother Nature, and so they’re looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Cleaner manufacturing methods are in demand, such as finding better ways to recycle vehicles and produce electric or hybrid automobiles, and as further discoveries allow us to build eco-friendly vehicles we also have the opportunity to make the production process more environmentally friendly. In fact, CO2 emissions produced from the automotive industry have declined over the years, hitting their targets to become more environmentally friendly.