Uxbridge-based FSL Aerospace inspired 55 pupils at a Hayes school this week at an event to promote careers in engineering for young people.
The company, which provides quality fastener products and supply chain solutions, put on the event for the pupils aged 11-16 at Barnhill Community High School.
Pupils were given a presentation from The National Apprenticeship Service’s Mike Hensman, who described the various paths of getting an engineering apprenticeship or traineeship.
FSL Aerospace, which has drawn the majority of its 21 staff from around the area, will offer the school two week long work placements, after 20 pupils declared their interest in gaining industry experience.
Fatima Hashi, a student from form 12.9, said: “This was an extremely refreshing approach to the whole area of engineering. Previously I had been curious about what it meant.
Now I’d determined to find out more about what could be a very exciting career.”
Another pupil, Chris Wright of form 9.8 added: “Most of this was new to me. It was great to find out more about engineering. It has certainly got me interested and made me think I might want to be an aerospace engineer.”
Neil Broad, sales and marketing director of FSL Aerospace, said he hoped the event gave pupils a firsthand look at the excitement of a technical career and its importance for the country.
“The pupils need to realise that there is a shortage of engineers in this country and there is a strong possibility of a career in engineering when they have finished at school with the appropriate exam results,” said Mr Broad, who is also vice-chair of the London & South East branch of SEMTA.
He added: “It was fantastic to see the students’ understanding increase and I was thoroughly impressed with their intuitive questions and enthusiastic involvement throughout the event.”