Is there a business case for smart watches like Apple Watch or Samsung Galaxy Watch?

Posted on 1 Sep 2021 by Tim Brown

Many people have now heard of smart watches such as the Apple Watch or Samsung Galaxy Watch but is there a business case for staff to have one?

There’s no denying that wearable technology has taken off in recent years. The likes of Fitbits, the Apple Watch, Samsung Watches and Garmin Vivosmart trackers are becoming commonplace in workplaces, as well as homes. There is even talk about embedding technology into clothing like underwear! But are smart watches part of this movement too?

A smartwatch gadget like an apple watch technology smart device mobile wireless electronic communication wearable tech – image courtesy of Pixabay.To date, most smart watches from big brands aren’t mainstream yet, and it remains to be seen whether this will change. One reason devices like the Apple Watch haven’t become huge sellers is because they are quite expensive at upwards of £200. However, it seems that smart watches are moving more and more into the business world with Apple Watches being worn by staff and senior exectutives at firms such as Apple and Walmart.

These smart watches are not only capable of saving employees time and making them more productive on the go, but they also help in other ways too, such as health monitoring.

At present, there isn’t a smart watch designed specifically to benefit workplaces – but there are some clear benefits that could be implemented in future versions. For instance, users could book meeting rooms directly from their wrist and could send messages reminding people about a meeting beforehand.

Future of Smart Watches like Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch

In the future, Apple are considering additional health-related features for their watches too, such as blood pressure monitoring. The Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch can already detect abnormal heart rate variances that are an indicator of atrial fibrillation – one of the most common types of arrhythmia that affects millions worldwide – and then send reports direct to users’ doctors. This would mean fewer missed appointments and ultimately improved care for patients. Apple Watches is also looking into monitoring body temperature as well by measuring skin temperature and using an infrared light when worn overnight to track fluctuating temperatures during sleep which can indicate fever, inflammation or other issues.

Even though there are still likely further improvements coming in the future, there are many benefits to using the Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch or other smart watches in the workplace today. Staff can quickly reply to messages without having to reach for their phones, which is particularly useful when they’re busy or away from their desks. It also allows people to send pre-set replies (or voice messages through Siri) so that messages don’t have to be typed out constantly – especially if your staff receive lots of communication throughout the working day.

Although the Apple and Samsung smart watch technology already exists, there are other manufacturers including Garmin and Huawei who produce similar devices too. But with prices ranging from around £50 upwards, these brands might actually be more suitable for businesses as some employers may not be willing to pay £200+ per watch.

But regardless of which product your business chooses, there are a wide range of benefits for staff who wear smart devices at work. Not only does it allow employees to reply quickly and efficiently to messages and emails but it also keeps them healthier by encouraging them to stay active rather than spending all day sat behind a desk. And studies show, healthy workers are happier, more productive and more accurate.

As the market for smart watches continues to grow, we can expect more innovative features in future – which will make these devices even more useful not just for consumers everywhere but also those working in the business world too.

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