Join a Community of Manufacturing Professionals and Expand Your Knowledge

Posted on 19 Jan 2021 by Daniel Kirmatzis

Are you looking to expand your manufacturing knowledge and share insights with your peers across the industry? If that sounds like you then you should join The Manufacturer Community today.

With hundreds of manufacturing professionals from every sector, including;  Aerospace, Automotive, Chemicals, Food & Drink, Electronics, Machinery and much more – The Manufacturer Community is the place to meet like-minded professionals with the knowledge you could be looking for.

So why join?

You will meet other manufacturing professionals and be able to discuss issues that matter to you in a friendly and closed forum. Already members have shared their knowledge on building sustainable businesses and experiences of manufacturing training and skills in their regions. Join them and add your voice to these issues.

What advice can you get?

  • Are you looking to expand your facility?
  • Maybe you want advice on how to manage your digital strategy?
  • Looking for best practice to achieve a sustainable and environmentally friendly business?
  • Need help navigating post-Brexit trade?

By asking your question on the Community you can guarantee that other manufacturing professionals will offer their insights.

What else do you get?

As the Community is run by the team at The Manufacturer you get all the latest insights from our research as well invites to our upcoming programme of events.

And there’s more…

The Community hosts invite only Clubs where you can engage with manufacturing professionals around a particular topic or interest area. In January 2021 we opened the Future of British Manufacturing Leadership Club. This invite only Club is dedicated to helping UK manufacturers become more digital in their approach to their business and is already proving popular with existing Community members.

Where do I sign up?

Simply go to and join today. Expect to receive a welcome message with instructions of how to add more to your profile. NB Look in your spam folder and list any community emails as safe so your businesses’ fire wall allows you to receive them.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the Community or would like to know how to get the most out of being a member then please email Daniel Kirmatzis [email protected]

We look forward to welcoming you to our growing community of manufacturing professionals.