More quangos chopped

Posted on 19 Jul 2010 by The Manufacturer

Details of four more business quangos that are to be cut have been announced by business secretary Vince Cable this morning.

They are:

  • The Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property policy (SABIP)
  • SITPRO (Simplifying International Trade)
  • The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Advisory Body (WAB);
  • The British Shipbuilders Corporation.

The total cost of the four collectively is £8.62 million. The functions of SABIP will pass to the Intellectual Property Office while those of the other three will be carried out by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.

“We are absolutely committed to reducing the number and cost of quangos that we no longer need,” says Cable. “I have already said that I want to reduce the number of these bodies by a third and we’ve achieved a lot in a short space of time. This is the latest phase of that work.

“By bringing these functions back into Government, we make their activities more accountable and can reduce the considerable administrative costs that they place on the taxpayer.”

These cuts bring the total number of business quangos that have been abolished or had their funding removed to 17.

Have you had any dealings with any of the quangos above? What has been your experience of them? [email protected]