Top 5 automation posts on the AABTLN this month – April 2016

Posted on 11 Apr 2016 by Tim Brown

Below are the top 5 posts from the Automation Advisory Board Thought Leadership Network (AABTLN) over the last month.

The AABTLN is an interactive online forum and resource, run by The Manufacturer, where you can network, ask questions and post information about anything related to automation. Sign up for free now and, once logged in, you will have full access to the online network.

1. Tim Brown’s post: The ROBOTT-NET project offering free automation and robotics consultation.

Robott-net aabtln

2. Jonny Williamson’s post on behalf of ABB: Why the time is right to consider robots for low volume processes.

AAB Robotics AABTLN post


3. Tim Brown’s post: 5 easy steps to choosing a conveyor – infographic.

Conveyor choice aabtln post


4. Jonny Williamson’s post: Meet Liam, the iPhone destroyer.

iphone destroyer aabtln post

5. Jonny Williamson’s post on behalf of PP Electrical Systems on the launch of its new educational videos.

PP Electric videos aabtln post